New project: Are glycans crucial determinants of autoantibody reactivity in multiple sclerosis? The Stichting MS Research has awarded a project aimed at elucidating the role of sugars in the autoimmune response in multiple sclerosis (MS). Autoimmune reactions against central nervous system (CNS) proteins likely contribute to MS onset and progression. Autoantibodies against CNS proteins […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
New project: Are glycans crucial determinants of autoantibody reactivity in multiple sclerosis?

New impulse for glycosylation research

In 2022 Dr. Christian Büll has established his own research group at the Department of Biomolecular Chemistry. “We are very happy with Christian joining our department and with his innovative ideas to explore protein glycosylation both from a biochemical and a pathologic perspective” says Ger Pruijn. Christian received his PhD degree (cum laude) at the […]
Silicones may lead to cell death

Silicones may lead to cell death Silicone molecules from breast implants can initiate processes in human cells that lead to cell death. Our new study demonstrating that small dimethylcyclosiloxanes induce cell death in cultured human cells was published on 12 June in Scientific Reports. “However, there are still many questions about what this could mean for […]
Christine Mohrmann stipendium for Cynthia de Bont

Date of news: 12 December 2018 Cynthia de Bont, PhD Candidate in the Biomolecular Chemistry group, has been awarded the Christine Mohrmann Stipendium. This Grant is awarded to promising female PhD Candidates to encourage them to stay in academia after completion of their theses. University of Liverpool ‘The Christine Mohrmann Stipendium allows me to conduct […]
Celebration of 50 years Biochemistry in 2015

The fascination of the molecules in our body In 1965, two chairs were arranged for Biochemistry at the Catholic University of Nijmegen (in the Faculty of Sciences, Mathematics and Computing Science and Faculty of Medicine). The topics of the biochemical research and education have changed over the last 50 years. During the celebration of 50 years Biochemistry, […]
PhD defense Chantal van de Schootbrugge

On Wednesday 8th of July 2015 Chantal van de Schootbrugge has defended her thesis titled: “The envolvement of αB-crystallin in cancer”
PhD degree for Raymond Staals

On Friday, January 9 Raymond Staals successfully defended his PhD thesis. Raymond’s thesis entitled ‘It’s like Dis. Ribonucleases associated with the human RNA exosome’ describes a series of studies that are focused on the identification of members of the Dis3 family of exoribonucleases, as well as their structural and functional characterization. Since these proteins contribute […]
The BMC lab has been moved!

As of April 7th the Biomolecular Chemistry lab has been moved to the 6th floor of the the RIMLS-building (Researchtoren). The PO Box and street address remain unchanged.
PhD degree for Sanne Hensen

On Friday September 27 Sanne Hensen successfully defended her PhD thesis. Sanne’s thesis entitled ‘The heat is on: HSF1 integrates cellular stress response pathways’ describes a series of studies that collectively demonstrate that the transcription factor HSF1 is involved in various pathways that can be activated in stressed cells as a result of different stress […]
PhD degree for Remon van Geel

On Friday March 15 Remon van Geel successfully defended his PhD thesis. Remon’s thesis entitled ‘One click closer to understanding transglutaminase 2; detection, regulation and biological relevance of protein crosslinking’ describes a chemical biology approach to study the human enzyme transglutaminase 2, which catalyzes the crosslinking of a primary amine to a peptidylglutamine or the […]